Continued from home page-MMA Clothes Make for Great Conversation and More
People from Brazil to Africa to Japan have been won over by the extreme fighting sport. People had once frowned upon the sport, citing brutality as the main reason. Fans of Mixed Martial Arts are popping up all over the place, donned in their favorite MMA clothes. What makes the apparel of MMA so popular is the fact that fans of MMA are extremely dedicated and passionate about the sport, and by wearing the MMA apparel, they can prove it! Tons of different styles and types of apparel are available to fans, ranging from shorts to beanies to car magnets.
MMA clothes are fashioned in a likeness to the fighting and training gear that the fighters wear. MMA clothes are available in stores and on hundreds of websites online. The prices for apparel are extremely reasonable. Some of the top logo themes for MMA clothes are Cage fighter clothes, MMA Authentic clothes, Familia Gladiatora, and Attitude Tees.
Fans can be seen anywhere and everywhere sporting shirts, jackets, shorts, beanies, and accessories to show their support of the extreme sport. Two of the sports that make up MMA are Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Vale Tudo (No Rules). In Brazil, MMA was huge, while in the United States, MMA fights were illegal. Many of the North American fighters went to Brazil to continue fighting. Support grew not only for the sport of MMA, but also for the North Americans who went to Brazil. Big time clothing companies began creating casual clothing and MMA clothing for consumers. It didnt take long before all of Brazil, even children, were wearing MMA clothes, showing this support. Mixed Martial Arts has since spread across the globe, to many countries and continents, including Africa.
Mixed Martial Arts has certainly entered the world of fashion. The MMA clothes that bear the logos, fighters, and phrases of MMA competitions that adorn the clothing is selling like hot pretzels. The Ultimate Fighting Championship is rising in popularity, also. Students are buying the MMA clothes like crazy, and stores at times have trouble keeping clothing on the shelves.
One of the most popular brands associated with the MMA is TapouT, which refers to a term in the sport that indicates that you are out of the fight. To the fans that wear this shirt and shirts like it, they think that wearing a TapouT T shirt is like suggesting to others that see the shirt to tap out, or give up. MMA clothes always make a statement wherever they are worn.
Written by Phoenix DelRay
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Continued from home page- MMA Apparel Leading In Wholesale Designer Clothes By : Art Gib
was born from the1920s Brazilian combat sport Vale Tudo that was introduced to the United States in the 1993 Ultimate Fighting Championship. Initially promoted as a test of different martial arts fighting styles as applied to actual unarmed combat, there were minimal rules in the early Vale Tudo bouts. Subsequent rules have been introduced to increase the safety of the sport and gain acceptance as a legitimate sport. The term 'mixed martial arts' was coined in 1995 to reflect the sport known today as seen on Pay-Per-View and sold out live venues in the United States.
MMA fans are passionate about the sport and dedicated to their favorite fighters. They love to show off their passion in their MMA street wear, casual apparel, and gym clothing. Enthusiastic fans from every point on the globe can be seen wearing t-shirts, shorts, jackets, beanies, and accessories featuring the MMA theme, logos, and fighters. This is prompting some of the finest clothing manufacturers to get on the MMA wave to produce their own lines of themed and logo apparel. Look for brands such as UFC Apparel, Affliction Apparel, TapouT, Death Clutch, and many others.
With most MMA clothing reasonably priced, it has grabbed the youth demographic with stores stocking the items selling out quickly. Joining the trend for edgy fashions, retailers are wise to keep their eyes on the latest MMA stars whose fans will be looking for their sponsored clothing items and accessories. MMA clothing companies sponsor fighters with exclusive contracts knowing that their fans will be in line to purchase the fighters' signature lines. As the sport continues to grow, the top fighters are able to profit from the apparel business as well as increasing purse payouts. The potential for fighters, apparel manufacturers, and retailers is huge now and only growing more lucrative.
Smaller retailers now serving or wanting to serve the youth demographic can't lose with wholesale designer clothes that include MMA apparel. With sales growing and shelves emptying as quickly as they're stocked with these hot, trendy clothing items, you can't go wrong.
Author Resource:- Omega Zone's ( listed retailers for men's clothing and women's clothing styles carry such well known designers as; Hurley, Quicksilver, UFC apparel and many more.

Continued: MMA Jackets, Hoodies and Jerseys - Why Buy Them?
By Albert Couture
also for protection during training. Apart from MMA shorts and MMA t-shirts, there are a wide range of jackets, hoodies, and jerseys to be found. As a fan, you can invest in these pieces of MMA clothing to give you an edge in style, while the fighters you cheer for also buy such items for similar reasons. Whether you are a fighter or a fan, MMA clothing offers the latest street wear style along with items that can be worn at the gym to maximize performance. Wearing a jersey with your MMA shorts makes you feel at one with the sport, even if you are not an active participant. TapouT, Venum, and No Fear have fine MMA jerseys in store for you. Moreover, you can wear it in public even when you are not witnessing a fighting competition. It will make you stand out in a crowd. As a fighter, you can wear these garments to feel more comfortable and perfectly at ease.
Sprawl is a leading brand that produces hoodies. These items are especially made for MMA athletes. They provide a unique combination of fashion and function. Such pieces of MMA clothing are effective at making a statement about your fashion sense and style. With a closable pocket for an MP3 player and ¼ zippers at the neck, it is an exclusive product from the house of Sprawl. Bad Boy is yet another chief brand that is dedicated to the making of hoodies. One of the best kinds launched by the company is the Shogun Rua UFC 113 Walkout Hoodie that comes in the sweatshirt style. Venum has hoodies on offer too. With kangaroo style pockets, the giant hoodies from the house of Venum have a unique style of their own. MMA hoodies are perfect if you want to set your overall style. They are definitely worth adding to your MMA gear wardrobe. Just pair it up with a set of MMA shorts and you'll be ready to walk around town like a pro. MMA jackets are very much in fashion and you can invest in a warm jacket from UFC or Sprawl. They are very trendy and offer you protection when the temperature starts dropping.
There are so many online stores and so many brands that you may invest in, that it often becomes difficult for you to select. The competitive prices are very much in keeping with your budget. So why restrict yourself to MMA gloves and shorts? Choose from a whole range of products that are in offer. There is much more to MMA clothing than just MMA gloves and MMA shorts.
Albert couture is an expert in MMA clothing and MMA gear. He is known to have helped many MMA professionals to choose the right gear to suit their needs, style. Article Source:
Continued from home page-MMA WOMEN IN THE RING AND OUT
Peruse the various websites featuring MMA gear, MMA clothing, MMA equipment…….
When you see scantily clad models appealing to the more prurient thoughts racing through a fella’s head, you’ll get the picture in one quick eyeful. These banner ads are more appropriate for a 900 “live” chat line, than a professional sport
Nothing is mightier than the wallet, er, pocketbook and Visa Card. Women still dominate when it comes to shopping and making selections for their households-
I’m not making this stuff up! What guy reading this article isn’t wearing something his gurlfriend, wife (or worse yet!), mom selected, hmmmm?
Female status within the MMA world view will improve considerably when you see the live chat look-a-like ads slowly being reevaluated and removed.
Women do not want to be trivialized. Maybe it’s time for MMA websites to take another look see on the banner ads they chose to post.
Peace Out,
Copyright 2010: Omega Zone | MMA Apparel. All Rights Reserved.
CMMA Amateur Sponsorship & Some Mishaps Along the Way
The text message was not good- the fight was called due to a fractured jaw…,
Not the other guy………………our guy……..our fighter……………….our guy.
What’s worse than that? Well, after his first MMA bout ever following the fractured jaw,
he made the prudent decision to forgo MMA fighting all together and simply return to the less complicated word of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Yep, another one bites the dust, as it were. Wow, no return on that investment. So, let’s look at what went wrong. What can we learn from this debacle?
For starters, it would have been better to sponsor a proven MMA Amateur.
At least agree to sponsor a fighter who has been in the ring and frankly enjoys it enough to come back again and again.
Next stumble along the way-
We encountered a proven fighter who had a falling out with the trainer that was arranging our hook ups. Fighter quits Trainer- Trainer drags out handing over all of the promised gear intended for the Fighter from US (The Sponsors). We were out $600 in branded merchandise for the trainer's fighters and had little to show for it.
This situation presents a rough scenario for any sponsor. The trainer obviously has a bruised ego and retaliates by withholding the merchandise intended for the Ammy. Gear and clothing branded with our logo to wear in future bouts (fight shorts, tees, hats, gloves, the whole shebang!). So, where’s the high road here? What did we ultimately decide to do?
Support the Trainer, who was also supposed to double as a sales agent for our brand and lose the Ammy with a win record so far? Or
Support the Ammy and lose the Trainer for acting contrary to our wishes?
Well, the best choice was that we chose the latter.
Support the fighter and ditch the trainer.
When you are working with a business partner that acts questionably, your reputation is put to the test. Unpleasant as decisions can be, doing the right thing is ultimately the only choice you are left with.
Make good on your commitments
Market your brand with ethical and reliable Trainers/Vendors
Cut your losses and move on.
Ah! A fresh slate. Starting over and making better informed decisions is the newly formed motto. Only sponsoring Ammys whose gyms carry our gear and clothing is a much better trade off, we'll see, who knows.
Chreyl Jones